This movie is about a bee by the name of Barry B. Benson who just graduated from his three days of college and finds out he has only one chance of picking his lifelong job. He is going to go outside the hive before he makes his big career choice. He breaks the most important bee rule "Never talk to a human", who happens to be a New York City florist named Vanessa Bloome. He is shocked to discover that the humans have been stealing and eating the bees' honey for centuries, and ultimately realizes that his true calling in life is to set the world right by suing the human race for stealing their precious honey. Barry wins the lawsuit, and all honey in the world is confiscated and returned to the bees. But now, Barry and Vanessa realize that although all the honey in the world is back, every bee has been put out of a job, and thus have nothing to do, since working was the only thing bees did all these years. Barry also realizes that without bees pollinating the flowers, all plant life was dying. To set things right, he and Vanessa find a way to save all the flowers by going to the rose parade in California, and bringing back with them all the pollen-filled flowers to re-pollinate the world. Barry and Vanessa fly the flowers as luggage on a flight from Los Angeles International Airport to John F. Kennedy International Airport. During the flight, Barry and Vanessa take control of the plane from the pilots and land safely in Terminal 4. Afterwards, the bees get all their jobs back and give the honey back to the humans, realizing that without their jobs they were not truly happy when they had all their honey, though the humans and bees treat each other better now. Barry becomes a member of the Bee Brigade, helping to pollinate the plants while running a law firm inside Vanessa's flower shop.
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