A young woman leaves her baby boy on the steps of an orphanage. Twelve years later, Lewis (Daniel Hansen and Jordan Fry), the baby, has yet to be adopted. Confident that his birth mother abandoned him against her will, he attempts to invent a memory-scanner that will allow him to remember his mother in the hopes that he can find her. He keeps his roommate, Mike "Goob" Yagoobian (Matthew Josten), up every night working, which causes Goob’s Little League baseball team’s performance to suffer. Goob attempts to be supportive but is finding things more and more difficult himself.
At Lewis’s school science fair, Inventco. representative Dr. Krunkelhorn (Laurie Metcalf) is judging the event. Lewis is approached by a thirteen-year-old boy named Wilbur Robinson (Wesley Singerman), who claims that he is a "time cop" from the future, and that a man wearing a bowler hat stole a time machine. The sinister Bowler Hat Guy (Stephen Anderson), for whom Wilbur is searching, sends Doris (Ethan Sandler), a robotic hat with mechanical arms, to sabotage Lewis’s machine. As Lewis begins demonstrating his machine, it explodes, throwing the science fair into chaos. Lewis runs out, leaving his machine, and Bowler Hat Guy steals the memory scanner.
At the orphanage, Lewis goes to the roof, crushed by his "failure". Wilbur appears and tells Lewis to go back to the science fair and fix the machine. Lewis agrees, under the condition that Wilbur proves he is from the future. Wilbur then takes Lewis to a flying time machine, and uses it to take them to the year 2037, thirty years forward.
In 2037, Wilbur takes Lewis to the garage where Wilbur tells the house robot Carl (Harland Williams). Lewis meets Wilbur's grandfather, Bud (Steve Anderson). Bud takes Lewis on a tour of the house, during which Lewis meets the rest of the strange and fun-loving and overly-eccentric Robinson family, ranging from Wilbur’s friendly mother Franny (Nicole Sullivan), the family's squid-like butler Lefty (Nathan Greno), Bud's wife Lucille, Uncle Fritz and his "wife" Aunt Petunia (both voiced by Ethan Sandler), their children Talula (Steve Anderson) and Laszlo (Ethan Sandler), lazy Uncle Joe and his wife Aunt Billie (Kellie M. Hoover), and twin uncles Spike and Dimitri (both voiced by Ethan Sandler) as well as daredevil Uncle Gaston (Don Hall) and intergalactic super pizza guy Uncle Art (Adam West) whom are Franny's brothers. Assured that no one Lewis met knows that he’s from the past, a relieved Wilbur explains that his father, Cornelius, the only member of the Robinson family that Lewis did not meet, invented practically everything Lewis has witnessed, coining the motto "Keep moving forward". Together, and with the help of the large and multi-talented Robinson family, Wilbur and Lewis have to overcome the menace to the future posed by the time-machine-stealing Bowler Hat Guy and DOR-15 (aka Doris - the bowler hat) in order to ensure that the utopian future that the Robinsons live in will come to pass - and so that Wilbur will take Lewis to see his mother. After failing to kidnap Lewis with a Mini-Doris possessing one of Franny's frogs, Bowler Hat Guy uses the time machine to bring back a Tyrannosaurus named Tiny (Joe Mateo) to abduct Lewis. After it was defeated, Lewis' secret was revealed as Wilbur explains that the Bowler Hat Guy broke into the garage that had the time machine Cornelius Robinson invented. As Lewis runs away knowing that Wilbur wouldn't uphold his promise, Franny grounds Wilbur for his actions. Lewis runs into the Bowler Hat Guy who abducts him before Wilbur can bring him back.
At the abandoned orphanage, the Bowler Hat Guy reveals himself as an aged and deeply bitter Goob. He then proceeds to tell Lewis what had happened: Having been kept up all night from Lewis' inventing, Goob was unable to stay awake during the big game. Thus missing the winning catch. The resulting inner anger inside of him had kept him from making friends or finding a family, so he simply stayed in the orphanage (even after it had closed down) for 30 years.
It was after those 30 years that Goob adopted the belief that it wasn't his fault; it was Lewis'. So he concocted a plan to gain his revenge...by throwing eggs at the Robinson Indistries building entrence. It was then that he met DOR-15, a future invention of Lewis' that went horribly wrong. Both of them had a score to settle with Lewis, so they waited untill the right time to strike (Ironically, they were able to acquire the time machine when Wilbur had left the garage door open).
The Bowler Hat Guy and DOR-15 then take Lewis to the roof of the orphanage and prepare to present "Their" invention to Invent Co. Wilbur and Carl save him but Carl is killed by Doris, who retrieves the memory scanner. The Bowler Hat Guy then says "Take a good look around boys because your future's about to CHANGE!" then leaves, laughing wickedly.
What follows is a montage of Wilbur trying to encourage Lewis to fix the broken time machine and the Bowler Hat Guy presenting the memory scanner (and Doris).
The Bowler Hat Guy suceeds and Wilbur is erased from existance. Unfortunately, the future is horrifyingly altered where DOR-15 and the helping hats control the world....something he did not intend at all.
Dodging the controlled Robinson family, a giant spider-legged bowler hat, and several smaller hats, Lewis fixes and uses the time machine to go to the brecise moment and location where the Bowler Hat Guy signs the contract and doomes humanity. He tells him that, once she has what she wants, Doris will get rid of him. Doris tries to kill Lewis, but he merely says "I will NEVER invent you!", which causes the hat to vanish into oblivion.
Lewis then shows him Doris' future, which is transformed into the utopian future. After they land near the Robinson house, Wilbur is put back into existance. He attacks the Bowler Hat Guy at first, but is convinced by Lewis that they shoud adopt him. However, having seen the horror he had caused, the Bowler Hat Guy runs away in shame and is unsure what to do next.
After returning to the Robinson's aboad, they thank Lewis for fixing the future. Just then, Cornelius (voice of Tom Selleck) finally comes home and is discovered that he is actually an adult version of Lewis. He does allow Wilbur to take Lewis to when his mother left him at the orphanage. Lewis says his goodbyes to the Robinsons and their new pet Tiny. Though wanting to know her, Lewis changes his mind and returns to the past. With his memory scanner, Lewis heads to the school yet manages to wake 'Goob' up in time to make the catch, causing him to win the game, and ensuring him a better future. At the science fair, his memory scanner is successful upon Dr. Krunklehorn as Lewis discovers that she's married to who would later be Grandpa Bud and one of his classmates is a younger Franny. Lewis allows Dr. Krunklehorn and Bud to adopt him as he starts to live up to his future family's legacy.
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